Beyond the Future: Facing a Perception Singularity

By |2018-01-03T17:55:42+01:00January 25th, 2012|Essays|

Let’s be clear about this - humanity is in danger of collectively suffering from a lack of vision concerning how to approach the future. This lack could prove to work against us in that we have yet to exercise the necessary perceptual skills to visualize or conceptualize how to prepare not only for the immediate [...]

Renaissance for Change: A New Civil Order?

By |2018-01-03T17:55:43+01:00January 24th, 2012|Essays|

The world systems for a new era will be more likely not to emerge from an elite center, like the Renaissance that sprung up in Florence in the late Middle Ages, but from a groundswell of people-centred change. The "new renaissance" will come from the periphery or from the bottom up, a distributed and networked [...]

The Transformation of Social Life

By |2018-01-03T17:55:44+01:00January 24th, 2012|Essays|

"The very aim of our society seems to be to remove from people responsibility for their lives and acts. The way of transformation must be the exact opposite of this. Whatever else it may lead to, it must make us into free, responsible individuals, able to direct our own lives in accordance with the greatest [...]

A New Century of Social Innovation

By |2018-01-03T17:55:44+01:00January 24th, 2012|Essays|

Man has in him two distinct master impulses, the individualistic and the communal, a personal life and a social life, a personal motive of conduct and a social motive of conduct. The possibility of their opposition and the attempt to find their equation lie at the very roots of human civilisation. -- Sri Aurobindo, The [...]

Coming Together: Time to ‘Occupy Our We’ Feeling

By |2018-01-03T17:55:44+01:00January 24th, 2012|Essays|

It is now openly apparent, and can no longer be denied or covered over, that many of the material structures in our social world have become a transparent fiction: our financial systems, our job securities, pensions, etc. It is becoming increasingly difficult to believe that these structures will continue to provide for our needs. As [...]

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