“UNIFIED is a unique synthesis of insights drawn from contemporary science with information channeled not from a single being but from a larger unified field of awareness. The result is a deep re-visioning of human existence with a special focus on the critical transition humanity has entered. Fascinating reading at the crossroads with a keen eye for what is needed in the years ahead.
“If you ever wondered what there is “really” behind the phenomena that meets your eye – and beyond even the most abstruse/advanced scientific theory—this is your book. It gives you answers that no human could give by himself or herself — because these answers come not from a human, but through a human – one who is communicating with The Source. Is that credible? Read the book, and judge for yourself. It will be a notable experience that will impact on all you have held real and true in the world.”
Dreaming the Wrong Dreams: Can We Awaken from the Inversion?
Many of us are now realizing that this experience we call life, or what we know to be our life, is not an even playing field. It may take a person years to come to the realization that, in some way, the game of life is rigged. We always like to think that we know what’s going on, even when we have the niggling suspicion that we don’t. Life is a game of participation and players. And at various stages, a particular view, or perception, of life and reality is [...]