Cambio de fase: mudarse a un nuevo espacio de existencia

By |2021-12-31T14:02:29+01:00December 31st, 2021|Artículos en español|

«El Abismo nos ha estado examinando durante mucho tiempo. Ya es hora de que, tras llegar a estar tan espiritualmente fundamentados y metafísicamente bien informados como sea posible, empecemos a volver la vista atrás y lleguemos a comprender en profundidad y con exactitud lo que se nos está haciendo, e incluso quién lo está haciendo» [...]

Phase Change: Moving into a New Space of Existence

By |2021-12-29T11:43:13+01:00December 29th, 2021|Blog, Essays|

‘The Abyss has been looking into us for long enough. It is time for us, after becoming as spiritually grounded and metaphysically well-informed as possible, to begin looking back into it, and so come to a deeper understanding of exactly what is being done to us – and maybe even who is doing it.’ Charles [...]

Dejar atrás un sistema obsoleto

By |2021-12-22T18:17:29+01:00December 22nd, 2021|Artículos en español|

No cabe duda de que la humanidad ha entrado en una nueva fase en su camino de desarrollo. Ahora asistimos a una gran reestructuración de la sociedad humana y de sus múltiples sistemas: financiero, tecnológico, político, cultural, etcétera. Ya he comentado cómo esto está generando gran malestar y disonancia en muchas personas. Esto es inevitable, [...]

Deixando um sistema obsoleto para trás

By |2021-12-20T16:32:11+01:00December 20th, 2021|Artigos em Português|

Não há dúvida de que a humanidade entrou em uma nova fase ao longo de sua jornada de desenvolvimento. Estamos agora observando uma grande reestruturação da sociedade humana e seus muitos sistemas: financeiro, tecnológico, político, cultural e muito mais. Obviamente isso está criando grande desconforto e dissonância para muitas pessoas. Isso é inevitável, pois grandes [...]

Leaving an Obsolete System Behind

By |2021-12-19T12:14:55+01:00December 19th, 2021|Essays|

There is no doubt that humanity has entered a new phase along its developmental journey. We are now observing a grand restructuring of human society and its many systems: financial, technological, political, cultural, and more. I have already spoken about how this is creating great discomfort and dissonance for many people. This is inevitable, for [...]

O estabelecimento da psicologia de massa e da falsa solidariedade

By |2021-12-14T10:03:39+01:00December 14th, 2021|Artigos em Português|

É sempre necessário questionar criticamente nossas suposições e as informações que falam sobre nosso comportamento social. Diante disso, lançarei um olhar sobre as manifestações sociais atuais a respeito de como a pandemia vem redefinindo nossos padrões e relações sociais. Também vou examinar esses padrões das perspectivas da psicologia de massa, da intoxicação mental e de [...]

El umbral del agotamiento: Nuestro momento para la reunificación y la recalibración

By |2021-12-13T10:23:34+01:00December 13th, 2021|Artículos en español|

Décadas de prácticas y creencias expansionistas nos han llevado a un nuevo umbral que aún no es portal entre lo humano y el espíritu, como algunos hubieran preferido, sino un umbral de agotamiento. La era moderna de la postindustrialización ha alimentado un ciclo de aceleración que se basa en la expansión y el consumo continuos. [...]

The Threshold of Exhaustion: Our Time for Regathering & Recalibration

By |2021-12-13T10:20:35+01:00December 10th, 2021|Essays|

Decades of expansionist practices and beliefs have brought us to a new threshold. It is not yet the threshold between human and spirit, as some would have preferred, but a threshold of exhaustion. The modern age of post-industrialization has been feeding an acceleration cycle that is built upon continual expansion and consumption. These expansionist [...]

La lucha por el futuro humano – 5G, la realidad aumentada y el internet de las cosas. Una entrevista con Jeremy Naydler

By |2021-12-09T12:26:26+01:00December 9th, 2021|Artículos en español|

Ha afirmado que el mayor peligro de la tecnología no es el mecanismo en sí, sino su corrupción de la esencia humana. ¿Cuál es la peor amenaza de la tecnología contra la esencia humana? Heidegger escribió sobre ello en su influyente ensayo La pregunta por la técnica. Expuso que la tecnología nos incita a adoptar [...]

The Struggle for a Human Future – 5G, Augmented Reality and the Internet of Things. An Interview with Jeremy Naydler

By |2021-12-09T12:23:09+01:00December 9th, 2021|Blog, Essays|

  You have said that the biggest threat of technology is not from the apparatus itself but from its corruption of the human essence. What is the major threat of technology against the human essence? This is something Heidegger wrote about in his seminal essay, ‘The Question Concerning Technology’. He said that technology encourages us [...]

La instauración de la psicología de masas y la falsa solidaridad

By |2021-12-04T10:34:45+01:00December 4th, 2021|Artículos en español|

Siempre es necesario cuestionar críticamente nuestros supuestos y la información que inspira nuestro comportamiento social. En este sentido, me propongo echar un vistazo a las manifestaciones colectivas actuales acerca de cómo la pandemia ha ido redefiniendo nuestras pautas y relaciones sociales. También examinaré estos patrones desde la perspectiva de la psicología de masas, la intoxicación [...]

The Establishment of Mass Psychology & False Solidarity

By |2021-12-03T11:06:58+01:00December 3rd, 2021|Essays|

It is always necessary to critically question our assumptions and the information that informs our social behaviour. In this light, I intend to cast a glance over current social manifestations regarding how the pandemic has been redefining our social patterns and relations. I will also be examining these patterns from the perspectives of mass [...]

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