Recent articles
Our Quest for Meaning
I recently have been looking at and trying to describe the situation regarding our [...]
El auge de los herejes
«Si la humanidad ha de sobrevivir es indispensable una transformación radical de la naturaleza [...]
Rise of the Heretics
‘If humanity is to survive, a radical transformation of human nature is indispensable.’ Sri Aurobindo [...]
BIOPODER: una nueva era de autoridad socio-política
Desde hace un tiempo el poder socio-político ha estado en un proceso de reconfiguración [...]
BIOPOWER: a new era of social-political authority
A reconfiguration of social-political power has been in process for some time and is [...]
Paisajes post-pandémicos: La modificación del comportamiento como nueva realidad consensuada
El «Evento Covid» regaló al mundo irreal su gran golpe maestro al espacio de [...]
Post-Pandemic Landscapes: Behavior Modification as the New Consensus Reality
The ‘Covid Event’ gave the unreal world its great coup over the place of [...]
Questions of our Time 10 – Can we Find our Way Back Home?
If you don’t become the ocean, you’ll be seasick all your life. Leonard Cohen [...]