Niveles de perspectiva: el discernimiento de distintas escalas de percepción

By |2022-03-14T11:11:16+01:00March 14th, 2022|Artículos en español|

«El mayor obstáculo para la consciencia es la creencia de que uno ya es consciente». P.D. Ouspensky   A la luz de los acontecimientos actuales, he estado reflexionando sobre la posibilidad de aportar algo de claridad si se pudiesen hacer distinciones entre las distintas escalas de perspectiva. Como ya he dicho anteriormente[i], diferentes individuos pueden [...]

Levels of Perspective: the discernment of various scales of perception

By |2022-03-12T11:27:39+01:00March 12th, 2022|Blog, Essays|

‘The greatest barrier to consciousness is the belief that one is already conscious.’ P.D. Ouspensky   In the light of current events, I was reflecting that it may help to bring some clarity if we can make distinctions between the various scales of perspective. As I had spoken about previously,[i] different individuals can be physically [...]

Hablemos de lo invisible: Es hora de hablar del campo unificado

By |2022-02-26T10:42:31+01:00February 26th, 2022|Artículos en español|

«Tal como somos,  en la mayoría de los casos los hombres somos criaturas de las circunstancias, confinados a las sensaciones del mundo exterior... y las alegrías y las penas de la vida no son más que ecos de los acontecimientos exteriores. Esta esclavitud se debe a la dominación del cuerpo... Ávidos de goce y temerosos [...]

Let’s Speak of the Unseen: Time to Talk of the Unified Field

By |2022-02-25T18:17:42+01:00February 25th, 2022|Blog, Essays, Uncategorized|

‘Men as we are, we are mostly creatures of circumstance, confined to the sensations of the outer world…and the joys and sorrows of life are but echoes of outward events. This slavery is due to the domination of the body…Greedy of enjoyment and afraid of sorrow, we come to depend on others and, receiving our [...]

Revelación o miedo: Los dos escenarios de una realidad dividida

By |2022-01-30T13:30:09+01:00January 30th, 2022|Artículos en español|

Una experiencia y/o sensación que la gente está teniendo con mayor frecuencia últimamente es la de estar en una «realidad diferente» a la de otras personas. He oído decir que alguien puede estar al lado de otra persona y, sin embargo, tener la sensación de que ambos viven en una realidad completamente diferente. ¿Es esta [...]

Revelation or Fear: The Two Scenarios of a Split-Reality

By |2022-01-29T18:19:49+01:00January 29th, 2022|Blog, Essays|

An experience and/or sensation that people are having in greater frequency recently is that of being in a ‘different reality’ from other people. I have heard it spoken that someone can be standing right next to another person and yet it feels like both are living in a completely different reality. Is this a [...]

El poder del discernimiento

By |2022-01-16T22:24:17+01:00January 16th, 2022|Artículos en español|

En nuestro nivel habitual de consciencia, a menudo no hay un patrón perceptible o discernible en el flujo de los acontecimientos. En parte, esto se debe a que estamos condicionados a percibir un programa de realidad dominante. No tenemos acceso a la realidad objetiva, aunque puede haber momentos y casos en los que se produzcan [...]

The Power of Discernment

By |2022-01-15T16:19:46+01:00January 15th, 2022|Blog, Essays|

At our general level of awareness there is often no perceptible or discernible pattern to the flow of events. Partly this stems from having been conditioned into perceiving a particular dominant reality program. We do not have access to objective reality, although there can be moments and instances when glimpses occur. The phenomenon of miracles [...]

Mudança de fase um novo espaço de existência

By |2022-01-06T12:00:25+01:00January 6th, 2022|Artigos em Português|

“O Abismo já está nos olhando há muito tempo. É hora de nós, depois de nos tornarmos mais espiritualmente fundamentados e metafisicamente bem-informados, começarmos a olhar para trás e, assim, chegarmos a uma compreensão mais profunda do que exatamente estão nos fazendo - e talvez até mesmo de quem está fazendo isso.” Charles Upton   [...]

Cambio de fase: mudarse a un nuevo espacio de existencia

By |2021-12-31T14:02:29+01:00December 31st, 2021|Artículos en español|

«El Abismo nos ha estado examinando durante mucho tiempo. Ya es hora de que, tras llegar a estar tan espiritualmente fundamentados y metafísicamente bien informados como sea posible, empecemos a volver la vista atrás y lleguemos a comprender en profundidad y con exactitud lo que se nos está haciendo, e incluso quién lo está haciendo» [...]

Phase Change: Moving into a New Space of Existence

By |2021-12-29T11:43:13+01:00December 29th, 2021|Blog, Essays|

‘The Abyss has been looking into us for long enough. It is time for us, after becoming as spiritually grounded and metaphysically well-informed as possible, to begin looking back into it, and so come to a deeper understanding of exactly what is being done to us – and maybe even who is doing it.’ Charles [...]

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