About Kingsley

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So far Kingsley has created 535 blog entries.

The New Monastic Individuals

By |2018-01-03T17:55:38+01:00June 25th, 2012|Blog, Essays|

The world is awash with grand announcements of spiritual rebirth, Armageddon scenarios, and self-help commercialism that are forming a global skin that circumscribes our entire mental world. Political theorist Benjamin Barber has noted that the commercialism behind the global takeover of the mental sphere amounts to a kind of "default totalitarianism." If we are not [...]

Changing the Game-Play – time to feel empowered

By |2018-01-03T17:55:38+01:00June 19th, 2012|Blog, Essays|

'If you never change your mind, why have one?' – Edward de Bono There is a story that is told about a wandering stranger who once stopped a king in the street. Furious, the king shouted, ‘How dare you, a man of little worth, interrupt the progress of your sovereign?’ The stranger answered: ‘Can you [...]

Going the Right Way in the Wrong Direction – the art of thinking for ourselves

By |2018-01-03T17:55:38+01:00June 6th, 2012|Blog, Essays|

As celebrated thinker Edward de Bono notes: ‘If everyone is going in the same direction, then anyone who is going in a different direction is “wrong”. The other direction might be better – but it is still wrong.’ Such is the powerful pull of social conformity. People cannot be fully trusted to say and do [...]

Ir por el buen camino en la dirección equivocada – el arte de pensar por nosotros mismos

By |2018-01-03T17:55:38+01:00May 30th, 2012|Artículos en español|

Como dice el célebre pensador Edward de Bono: ‘Si todo el mundo va en la misma dirección, cualquiera que vaya en una dirección diferente está “equivocado”. La otra dirección puede que sea mejor – pero sigue siendo errónea’ Tal es el poderoso arrastre del conformismo de la sociedad. No se puede confiar plenamente  en quienes [...]

Clipped & Trimmed: the conformity of human perceptions

By |2018-01-03T17:55:38+01:00May 28th, 2012|Blog, Essays|

There is a famous 13th Century Persian poem that tells the story of an old woman whom upon encountering an eagle on her window sill captures it for she has never seen an eagle before. The old woman looks at the strange bird and finally says ‘what a funny-looking pigeon’! She then proceeds to clip [...]

Cortado y Recortado: el amoldamiento de las percepciones humanas

By |2018-01-03T17:55:38+01:00May 21st, 2012|Artículos en español|

Un famoso poema persa del siglo XIII cuenta la historia de una anciana que al encontrarse con un águila en el alféizar de su ventana la atrapó, pues nunca hasta entonces había visto algo semejante. La anciana contempló el extraño pájaro y al cabo dijo ‘¡qué paloma tan rara!’ Y entonces procedió a cortarle las [...]


By |2018-01-03T17:55:39+01:00May 17th, 2012|Artículos en español|

En un célebre poema, el escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges escribió sobre un gran Imperio que creó un mapa tan detallado y tan grande como el propio Imperio. El mapa real crecía y menguaba a la vez que el Imperio conquistaba o perdía territorio. Cuando finalmente el imperio se derrumbó, solo quedó el mapa. El [...]

By |2012-05-15T17:22:44+01:00May 15th, 2012|Quote|

'Cleverness is like a lens with a very sharp focus. Wisdom is more like a wide-angle lens' Edward de Bono

By |2012-05-15T17:21:55+01:00May 15th, 2012|Quote|

'Most of the faults of thinking are faults of perception' Edward de Bono

By |2012-05-15T17:21:04+01:00May 15th, 2012|Quote|

'You can seek to adapt to the world as it is. You can seek to change the world. You can seek to change your perception of the world' Edward de Bono  

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