
A Chat with: Chronos, Greek God of Time

Author (A): Hello Chronos. Are you there?

Chronos (C): Greetings. I am here.

A: Thank you. First of all, I would like to say that I know there is some confusion over your identity, as you often seem to get mixed up with Kronos, the Titan father of Zeus. Yet you are an actual god of time, right?

C: (sighs). Ah, there are some things which time does not seem able to correct, and that confusion is one of them. It really is best if we don’t go there right now. For your purposes, I am a god of time – at least in terms of time and perspective that your species is familiar with. If I say any more on this, it will only confuse you further.

A: Okay, thank you Chronos. Apologies if I have caused any confusion over this.

C: No worries – no time lost (low chuckle).

A: In that case you’re the very person – sorry, god – that I need to speak with. I’d really like to get a handle on this time issue we seem to be experiencing here on earth.

C: Would you care to elaborate?

A: Sure. It seems that the human experience of time is speeding up, accelerating, and this is not just my own sensation. Peoples from all over are saying similar things. It just seems as if a day is no longer sufficient to do all the things we once used to do. And yet our devices that measure time record no objective difference. Is there something actually happening here, or is this just a collective delusion?

C: Collective delusions are something your species is very good at. However, in this case there is indeed more to it. It is interesting that you mention time as both a measurement and as a sensation, an experience. And it is both. There is no physical property of time in terms of your devices, such as the watches you put on your arms. Your days are cut into segments through your devices. The objective sense of time comes from celestial movements. These you have measured over aeons through your calendars.

A: And so we have both artificial time as we have created and a more objective time?

C: Yes, if you wish to place them into two simple categories. On your planet throughout history you have created measurements of time that you adopted. You chose calendars to suit your needs, to measure your ages and your cycles. Some of these were aligned with grander cosmic cycles by those people who had knowledge. Yet many of your measurements and calendars were either developed or continued by people who had no knowledge themselves. So these time devices, if you wish to call them that, became ‘out of time.’

A: And we also changed our calendars to suit various religious movements.

C: That is so. In this context, time became a structure to regulate your social development.

A: And we still have that today in terms of social management. I mean, in how our work routines are calculated, and when we ‘clock on’ and ‘clock off’ for work. Time is a monitoring tool in this context.

C: That is so. This is lower level use of movement. As I said, there are movements that happen in your cosmos which can be aligned with to better understand what you would refer to as ‘time flow.’

A: The flow of time?

C: Yes. This flow has presence in your reality. It can be used as an indication. Everything, as you know, is in a state of flux.

A: And our calendars also may in fact be in a state of change?

C: Not only the calendars themselves but the phenomenon which they seek to measure. Your planet does not exist in a vacuum, despite what many of your kind like to think. It has a place, and role, in a much grander scheme. And this grander cosmological scheme involves movements and changes on such a huge scale that it is beyond your understanding. However, there are effects, or rather phenomenon, from these cosmological changes. These effects can be measured by those calendars that are correctly aligned with geophysical processes. The geophysical state of your planet is similarly aligned, or rather corresponds, to cosmic phenomena. But the important point is in the experience. Energetic variations that enter your interstellar and then solar neighborhood affect certain astronomical constants. 

A: So, wait a minute.  You are saying that larger changes or movements in the cosmos affect the planet Earth?

C: Precisely. This has always been the case. As you people like to say – this is not rocket science.

A: And that these changes may bring with them energetic affects?

C: Yes, both in energetic shifts as well as alterations in astronomical constants. Together these phenomena influence the spin of your planet and thus its energetic environment which nurtures you. You thus have geophysical impacts as well as those that affect your human nervous system. These you generally refer to as physiological and emotional impacts, or disturbances. These impacts do much more than just affect your durations, your time frequencies. They are responsible for behavioral features across your planet. Yet this is another subject. Let us stay within time, for now. Generally, you have so far been unable to measure these changes because you have yet to produce the appropriate instrumentation.

A: Yet we are feeling these changes, aren’t we?

C: Indeed, you are. You could say that you are going to war over them. You are experiencing, or sensing, specific cosmological impacts that are, and always have been, influencing life and development upon your planet. These are natural occurrences. You are sensing a different quality to that which you know of as time. Yet your instruments have not picked up on this in any consistent manner (chuckles).

A: Wow.

C: The more sophisticated your technologies become, the more they will find these energetic behaviors. You are already investigating what your science calls the quantum field. As you probe further. Well, I should say, as your consciousness and understanding develops you will discover patterns in this time field. I call it ‘time field’ although this is very vague term and not altogether correct. I use it in conjunction with your vocabulary and image sense. Forgive the inaccuracies. These are not good for a god of time! (low laugh).

A: No, sure, it’s fine – I understand. So, tell me, will these energetic impacts create a disturbance in our reality.

C: They already are and have been for some time. You often experience them through other means.

A: Such as?

C: Such asgeophysical disturbances like earthquakes, eruptions, and various environmentalmanifestations. In your social environments through warfare, revolutions, andother cultural upheavals.

A: Oh dear…

C: Don’t worry too much about this. Your species is actually hard-wired to be adaptable to these changes. My suggestion to you now is that you remain grounded and stable. The last thing you need to be doing in these times is, as I believe you say, going off the rails?

A: Yes, that’s right! It sure does seem like now is the perfect time to be grounded and in control of our emotions. I didn’t think the subject of time would have all these associations. I started out asking about time and our calendars and we’ve ended up talking about earthquakes, war, and revolutions. And these are all time?

C: (laughs). Well, there is no real clear-cut thing called time, if the truth be told.

A: But you’re the god of time, are you not?

C: I am. But that is the denomination you people gave to me. Again, it is a simplification in order to represent more complex issues. It might be easier to say that I – and all of us here – represent certain phenomena rather than singular features. Time is a good example. It is not one thing. It is rather a phenomenon that binds and corresponds. It is integrative. Time is not one thing. As your scientists say, it is a relative thing.

A: Yes, but could you give an example?

C: Yes. You notice that your human bodies grow and then decay with the passing of this time called time.

A: Sure. It’s one of our greatest burdens!

C: Mm, well. Your body grows old, as you say, and yet you do not sense a similar passage in your sense of inner self. This inner you is not affected by this passage of time. Yet the world around you changes alongside you but in so many different ways. Your ‘time’ affects how you perceive and interact with the world around you. Yet this is different for everybody. You notice things in your house start to change, or decay. Or some things even grow healthier, such as the trees in your garden. Everything has its processes, and yet you relate to them according to your sense of time. And this is completely relative. It is, to put it bluntly, how you choose to live with it.

A: So, what you are saying then is that no one can experience my time for me. It is only for me. We are all children of time.

C: Exactly!

A: Thanks, Chronos, that’s been a great help. I’ve enjoyed our time!

C: You’re welcome. As I always say – any time!