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Every good story about a search begins with a tale. So, here’s one; it’s a [...]
Agencia sagrada
La trascendencia es la única alternativa real a la extinción. —Václav Havel, Independence Hall, Philadelphia, [...]
Sacred Agency
Transcendence is the only real alternative to extinction. —Václav Havel, Independence Hall, Philadelphia, July 4, [...]
Cosmic Consciousness & Outer Spaces in Popular Culture
The sacred, the sublime, has always walked amongst the profane. The signs are everywhere, blended [...]
Tecnologías como trascendencia
La imaginación espiritual aprovecha la tecnología de la información para sus propios fines Erik [...]
Technologies as Transcendence
The spiritual imagination seizes information technology for its own purposes. —Erik Davis, Techgnosis In [...]
Herejes sagrados
Introducción Decir que vivimos en un mundo de contradicciones y yuxtaposiciones es constatar lo evidente. [...]
Sacred Heretics
Every society has a cognitive structure of permissible knowledge that is managed by an [...]