The Threshold of Exhaustion: Our Time for Regathering & Recalibration

By |2021-12-13T10:20:35+01:00December 10th, 2021|Essays|

Decades of expansionist practices and beliefs have brought us to a new threshold. It is not yet the threshold between human and spirit, as some would have preferred, but a threshold of exhaustion. The modern age of post-industrialization has been feeding an acceleration cycle that is built upon continual expansion and consumption. These expansionist [...]

The Struggle for a Human Future – 5G, Augmented Reality and the Internet of Things. An Interview with Jeremy Naydler

By |2021-12-09T12:23:09+01:00December 9th, 2021|Blog, Essays|

  You have said that the biggest threat of technology is not from the apparatus itself but from its corruption of the human essence. What is the major threat of technology against the human essence? This is something Heidegger wrote about in his seminal essay, ‘The Question Concerning Technology’. He said that technology encourages us [...]

The Establishment of Mass Psychology & False Solidarity

By |2021-12-03T11:06:58+01:00December 3rd, 2021|Essays|

It is always necessary to critically question our assumptions and the information that informs our social behaviour. In this light, I intend to cast a glance over current social manifestations regarding how the pandemic has been redefining our social patterns and relations. I will also be examining these patterns from the perspectives of mass [...]


By |2021-12-28T10:32:53+01:00November 6th, 2021|Blog, Essays|

‘The real tragedy of our time lies not so much in the unprecedented external events themselves as in the unprecedented ethical destitution and spiritual infirmity which they glaringly reveal.’ Paul Brunton Several years ago, I used the same opening quote when I was writing about what I called a ‘metaphysical malaise.’ As I observed [...]

Rise of the Heretics

By |2021-06-14T20:30:02+01:00May 26th, 2021|Blog, Essays|

‘If humanity is to survive, a radical transformation of human nature is indispensable.’  Sri Aurobindo The time of the heretic has now arrived. It is the heretic of consciousness that represents the figure of resistance against consensus and controlled thinking. The ‘real heretic’ preserves the advantage and enchantment of the outsider. And what is this [...]

BIOPOWER: a new era of social-political authority 

By |2021-06-14T22:27:19+01:00March 17th, 2021|Essays|

A reconfiguration of social-political power has been in process for some time and is now rapidly emerging as part of a medical-political-economic institutional complex that I will refer to as biopower. What was required for this redefinition in the monopoly of power was a ‘trigger’ that would allow a radical alteration in the legal [...]

Post-Pandemic Landscapes: Behavior Modification as the New Consensus Reality

By |2021-06-14T23:20:42+01:00December 10th, 2020|Essays|

The ‘Covid Event’ gave the unreal world its great coup over the place of the real. This perception intervention gave the final stimulus necessary to tip the twenty-first century into an awaiting technologically manipulated reality. A new landscape is emerging where, for the first time, the human mind is finding itself out-of-place within its [...]

Questions of our Time 10 – Can we Find our Way Back Home?

By |2021-06-16T07:20:18+01:00October 14th, 2020|Blog, Essays|

 If you don’t become the ocean, you’ll be seasick all your life.  Leonard Cohen It is said that, overall, the individual tends to be unhappy not because of what they know but because of what they don’t know. In other words, we need to remember – to reconnect. Humanity has long been in an [...]

Questions of our Time 9 – Can we Finally Heal our Collective Trauma?

By |2021-06-15T22:00:48+01:00August 14th, 2020|Blog, Essays|

‘A painted bird of paradise in a cage’ Aurobindo Why are so many things going on in the world right now that are detrimental to our own well-being? It appears self-evident that there is something fundamentally wrong with how the world is – in so many ways and upon so many levels. We are [...]

Questions of our Time 8 – Can we Now Continue our Human Evolution?

By |2020-08-01T17:19:46+01:00August 1st, 2020|Blog, Essays|

Can we Now Continue our Human Evolution?   The earth is not going through a moral crisis, but through an “evolutionary crisis.” We are not moving toward a better world…we are in the middle of a MUTATION toward a radically different world…Unknown to ourselves, we are in search of the new being; we are [...]

Questions of our Time 7 – An Opportunity to Find our Quiet Awareness?

By |2020-08-01T17:39:11+01:00July 25th, 2020|Blog, Essays|

An Opportunity to Find our Quiet Awareness?   An appropriate way to open this short essay is with a quote from a poem. In this case, an extract from Rudyard Kipling’s If – If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust [...]

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