By |2012-02-11T11:19:56+01:00February 11th, 2012|Blog|

Kingsley Dennis speaks with Joanna Harcourt Smith at Future Primitive about “Worldshift International;” is it time for breakdown or breakthrough? … social change and the field effect of consciousness; biophysics:our bodies as fields of light; the binding energy of love; a language beyond words; a message for young people; “The Struggle for Your Mind;” trusting [...]

The Launch of WorldShift International

By |2018-01-03T17:55:43+01:00January 24th, 2012|Blog|

WorldShift International (WSI) is an autonomous worldshift initiative that seeks to promote, support, and engage with the concept of a world shift within our current global systems, as well as an inner-world shift at a personal level, and an evolutionary shift in human consciousness. The WorldShift International website is a portal to information that supports [...]

Interview with ‘Living in the Quantum Field’

By |2012-01-24T20:39:03+01:00January 24th, 2012|Blog|

I have recently had a one-hour interview on the US popular radio show Living in the Quantum Field with radio hosts Asara Lovejoy and Dr. Katie Garnett. Topics discussed included conscious evolution, quantum DNA, our collective consciousness, society in transition, preparing for mental & emotional disturbances, creating a positive future...and much more. To listen to [...]

The Lighthouse

By |2012-01-24T20:27:47+01:00January 24th, 2012|Blog|

There was once a man who began building a lighthouse in the middle of the desert. Everyone started to make fun of him and called him crazy. ‘Why a lighthouse in the desert?’ everybody wondered. Yet the man would not listen and kept on quietly doing his work. One day he finally finished building his [...]

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