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Fighting for Our Conscious Evolution
Fighting for Our Conscious Evolution in a Chaotic and Changing World Interview with Kingsley Dennis [...]
New Video Chat
A 10-minute video of Kingsley discussing The Modernity Project from his latest book 'The Struggle [...]
Mantener Todo Unido: la integridad y nuestro sentido del yo.
Si puedes conservar tu cabeza cuando todos a tu alrededor la pierden y te culpan [...]
Holding It All Together – Integrity & our Sense of Self
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming [...]
Many of us continue to be caught-up in our traditions, histories, rituals, and formalities – [...]
Perception can be like trying to explain color to a blind person. Our over-reliance upon [...]
The haphazard collection of shiny objects will not necessarily produce a functioning system. And it [...]
Many so-called ‘spiritual teachings’ have fallen to a lower level than their original functioning. Many [...]