By |2012-04-09T10:57:50+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

The 21st century will be the meeting point where the wisdom of ancient traditions can find a synthesis with modern science; as without an inner wisdom and maturity also guiding humanity there will remain an imbalance and many limitations.

By |2012-04-09T10:56:13+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

With a combination of science and spirituality we can move beyond a purely sense-driven perception of our environment into a more expansive perception of how we are connected to a world, a universe, at a deeper, more fundamental level.

By |2018-01-03T17:55:41+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

A sense of personal balance, satisfaction and fulfilment may be a necessary endeavour for each individual as the 21st century is likely to see an increased deterioration in the influence and power of institutional religion.

By |2012-04-09T10:41:33+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

Our modern sense of self-awareness, and our bodily extended mind, have clearly evolved to root us in our social world: a world of extended relations and social networks.

By |2012-04-09T10:40:54+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

The human psyche is able to adapt and evolve according to social and environmental impacts and influences. How we communicate as a ‘social animal’ wires our neuronal brains and forms our psyche.

By |2012-04-09T10:40:01+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

Human history is also a form of collective amnesia; we only remember what has been agreed upon as being important to us, and in a manner that we are able to comprehend.

By |2012-04-09T10:37:34+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

It may only be a matter of time before new generations move into evolving consciousness and its physical expressions. It is thus critical that an understanding of spiritual matters begins to permeate our everyday lives as a counterbalance to our social materialism.

By |2012-04-09T10:36:42+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

It is essential that we revitalize our collective sense of wellbeing and connectedness – our entanglement and empathy – as part of our shared human journey.

By |2012-04-09T10:36:06+01:00April 9th, 2012|Thought of the day|

In these years ahead it will be to our benefit if we try to develop a consciousness that is both open to spiritual impulses whilst simultaneously aware and attentive to the latest in scientific research.

By |2012-03-23T17:39:15+01:00March 23rd, 2012|Thought of the day|

‘The wise understand the ignorant, for they were themselves once ignorant. But the ignorant do not understand either themselves or the wise, never having been wise themselves’ - a proverb with sense?

By |2012-03-23T17:37:32+01:00March 23rd, 2012|Thought of the day|

‘Nobody and no thing can stand between you and knowledge if you are fit for it; but anybody and anything can stand between you and knowledge if you are not fit for it’ - a proverb worth considering?

By |2012-03-23T17:30:02+01:00March 23rd, 2012|Thought of the day|

How many people have called someone great who has only frightened them? How many people have called someone good who has only delighted them?

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