Struggle for Your Mind – a review

By |2018-01-03T17:55:31+01:00June 15th, 2013|Blog|

Imagination, Cognition and Personality - a review by Nicholas Brink  Struggle for Your Mind - By Kingsley Dennis May 2013 Over the last several years I have read two books that have intriguing parallels to The Struggle for Your Mind, Jean Gebser’s Book The Ever-Present Origin [1] that I previously reviewed for this journal [2] and Richard [...]

Spirituality vs. Fetishism

By |2018-01-03T17:55:31+01:00June 11th, 2013|Blog, Essays|

Much of what contemporary societies take to be ‘spirituality’ - rituals, talismans, practices, etc – have either been imported from elsewhere, appropriated from earlier forms, or become atrophied, frozen into symbol and peddled as emotional stimuli. Does this sound harsh? Well, what is often the case is that many once-legitimate spiritual practices have lost their [...]

The Akashic Age: A New Dawn Rising

By |2013-06-03T10:00:52+01:00June 3rd, 2013|Blog, Essays|

Our species – homo sapiens sapiens - has been on a historically long evolutionary journey prior to arriving at the point where we now find ourselves. We have finally arrived at a world that is complex and interdependent; thus, making the right type of choices is hard but entirely critical. Whereas previously we perhaps had the ‘luxury’ [...]

A Time for Re-Calibration

By |2018-01-03T17:55:33+01:00April 30th, 2013|Blog, Essays|

‘It is no longer the time to be better, it is the time to be otherwise’ Satprem For thousands of years humanity has been conquerors. We never thought about opening our borders to entire nations; sharing resources; and grouping together as larger bodies of nations. We built fortresses, great walls, and opened our doors only [...]

A Future of Potentials

By |2018-01-03T17:55:33+01:00April 4th, 2013|Blog|

The upcoming decades will more likely be based around potentials rather than linear trends, forecasts and certainties. One de-limiting aspect of our current situation is the lack of vocabulary we have to describe these ‘potentials’, since our human vocabulary is mostly geared towards describing what is, rather than that which can be beyond our current [...]

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