Quantum Consciousness: Empathy and Entanglement

By |2018-01-03T17:55:45+01:00January 24th, 2012|Essays|

It is fair to say that our global civilization now finds itself at a critical crossroads of development, in terms of natural resources, material systems, and modes of thinking -- a physical and psychical criticality. It thus becomes imperative that we orientate our perceptive faculties in favour of the potential evolutionary transformation of human consciousness. [...]

Quantum Consciousness: The Way to Reconcile Science and Spirituality

By |2018-01-03T17:55:45+01:00January 24th, 2012|Essays|

Human thought in the twenty-first century needs to work towards a new model that immerses the human being within a vibrant energetic universe. However, this need not demand that we throw away what we already have; rather, we can expand upon the tools that have brought us to our present position. There is an eastern [...]

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