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So far Kingsley has created 551 blog entries.

The Raising of Conscious Energy

By |2024-04-20T11:16:56+01:00April 20th, 2024|Essays|

To all intents and purposes, it would seem that humanity, life on this planet, and the planet itself, have a timeline in which to accomplish evolutionary goals in alignment with larger cosmic cycles. According to various investigations into earth cataclysms, there are regular intervals where great upheaval is experienced upon the earth, often accompanied by [...]

El incremento de la energía consciente

By |2024-04-18T15:23:15+01:00April 18th, 2024|Artículos en español|

A todos los efectos, parecería que la humanidad, la vida en este planeta y el planeta mismo tienen una línea temporal en la cual alcanzar objetivos evolutivos alineados con ciclos cósmicos más amplios. Según diversas investigaciones sobre cataclismos terrestres, a intervalos regulares se experimentan grandes conmociones en la Tierra, a menudo acompañadas de una inversión [...]

The Unreal Machine (7) – The Threshold

By |2024-04-09T14:41:11+01:00April 9th, 2024|Essays|

Humanity stands at the threshold between two paths. There is a considerable risk of falling prey to the mechanical impulse and being incorporated into a dense, technologized world of control, surveillance, and restricted freedoms. This would paradoxically become a sub-natural world of super-technology and ‘intelligent’ machines. Yet it would be a realm dominated by the [...]

The Unreal Machine (6) – The Unveiling of Spirit-Consciousness

By |2024-04-09T14:40:03+01:00April 9th, 2024|Essays|

‘Humanity urgently needs to become aware that a spiritual world is working down into every detail of existence in the physical world.’ Rudolf Steiner   As the last few essays in this series have indicated, there is the growing presence of entropic, or counter-evolutionary, forces within humanity. And these forces have been gaining dominance in [...]

The Unreal Machine (5) – The Eighth Sphere

By |2024-04-09T14:38:31+01:00April 9th, 2024|Essays|

Now here’s an interesting little story that erupted in the occult world in the final years of the nineteenth century. In 1893, a series of lectures were given to a group of individuals who were known as the Berean Society. These lectures were given by C.G. Harrison, a deeply learned initiate, as well as a [...]

The Unreal Machine (4) – Recognition of the Counterforces

By |2024-04-09T14:36:47+01:00April 9th, 2024|Essays|

‘Humanity had to go to sleep spiritually so that spirituality could reappear in a new form.’ Rudolf Steiner   It is increasingly difficult in these times to speak of truthful matters, especially in relation to spirit-consciousness, for people are increasingly subjected to false beliefs and thinking patterns. This is itself a sign of social conditioning [...]

The Unreal Machine (3) – Bright Light, Deep Shadows

By |2024-04-09T14:35:10+01:00April 9th, 2024|Essays|

Where there is bright light, there are deep shadows. Old Saying   It should be recognized that this current state of ‘inverted reality’ is a phase, and as such it has to be worked through. We cannot avoid the fact that we first have to learn how to live amongst these entropic forces before we [...]

The Unreal Machine (2): Evolution Interrupted

By |2024-04-09T14:31:00+01:00April 9th, 2024|Essays|

“Do not fear those who can kill the body but not soul. Rather be afraid of him who can destroy both soul and body in the life after death.” Gospel of Matthew 10-28   I have described the machinic impulse as a force that is accelerating the automation of the human being and of life [...]

The Unreal Machine (1): Deadly Enchantment

By |2024-04-09T14:10:00+01:00April 9th, 2024|Essays|

One of the most world-changing technological discoveries of our recent era has been that of electricity. The word electricity first entered the English language in a 1650 translation of a treatise on the healing properties of magnets by Jan Baptist van Helmont, a Flemish physician and Rosicrucian who worked on the borderline between natural magic [...]

The Metaphysical Vision of James Cowan

By |2024-04-09T09:32:47+01:00April 9th, 2024|Essays|

James Cowan (9 April 1942 – 6 October 2018)     The following essay was written to commemorate the life and work of my friend, the visionary writer James Cowan. It was first published in the ‘New Dawn’ magazine in its March-April 2023 edition. I share here publicly to celebrate the 82nd birthday of a [...]

Más allá del materialismo

By |2024-04-06T09:57:05+01:00April 6th, 2024|Artículos en español|

El ser humano ha de convertirse en lo que piensa que es. ~ Rudolf Steiner   Tenemos que adaptarnos a una nueva pérdida: la desaparición de una vieja realidad. Sin embargo, no debemos lamentarnos, sino acoger lo nuevo. No hay por qué sufrir en esta readaptación; tampoco tiene por qué ser abrumadora. Sin embargo, habrá [...]

La máquina irreal (7) – El umbral

By |2024-03-18T10:37:34+01:00March 21st, 2024|Artículos en español|

La humanidad se encuentra en el umbral entre dos caminos. Existe un riesgo considerable de caer presa del impulso mecánico e incorporarse a un mundo denso y tecnologizado de control, vigilancia y libertades restringidas que se convertiría paradójicamente en un mundo subnatural de supertecnología y máquinas «inteligentes». Sin embargo, sería un reino dominado por las [...]

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