Breaking the Spell
Published by O-Books (2013)
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Breaking the Spell: An Exploration of Human Perception examines how people have become largely disconnected from a living, energetic universe through social conditioning. Over generations humanity has lost much of its creative spirit, imagination, and perceptual faculties. In this book the author addresses how we should ‘break the spell’ of our conditioned perceptions and learn to manage and develop our emotional, mental, and physical energies. Through such chapters as Managing One’s Energy, Being Vigilant, and Stepping Away, the author explains in very simple language the necessity for each person to regain their focus, inner calm, and to observe the chaotic impacts that surround them. The author also discusses how a person can refine their perceptions through inner intent. The book also contains an inspiring collection of thoughts; and an Appendix on the misunderstandings of modern day spirituality.
In these distracting times it is imperative that each person learns to empower themselves by learning to harness and develop their personal energies. This timely book explains just how to ‘break the spell’ of our hypnotic world.
“BREAKING THE SPELL is a useful reminder of what many of us know but forget in our everyday lives: the need to experience ourselves as part of a living universe, the importance of cultivating our inner compass, which circumvents personal and social programming, and the imperative to reclaim our energy and take responsibility for its flow. With many charming illustrative stories, the book weaves together multiple levels of knowing and confronts us with the responsibility to take on the future now. It is both personal and universal and can be enjoyed like a conversation with a friend.”
Beth Green | founder of The Stream spiritual community
“An excellent, clear and compelling digest portraying the evolutionary imperative active within each of us that is calling for transformation of how and what we think, and why.”
Julie Clayton | New Consciousness Review
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